A brave new dawn - every single day

I remember my German pen-pal sending me the book ‘Brave New World’ all those years ago when I was at school. I feel like the title of that book is my life story these days. I think that I can speak for lots of us in saying that we didn’t imagine that lock-down would last so long, or now that there is an exit strategy planned - that we would be hesitant to leave the comfort of home in the end. I don’t mind telling you that a run in the morning and a G & T in the evening seem to have become my daily habits. And I am lucky to have those things, as many other countries have banned either or both.

Now I go running every day at 6am. I can’t leave later than that or I might meet other people on the road and I’m not very comforable with that during quarantine. The only soul out on our road at this time is the lady who walks her dogs Tickle and YumYum, (these are the best dog names I’ve ever heard) despite the early start.

I run for my mental health, (and slightly out of a ridiculous sense of curiosity to check that my lungs are still clear). Oh dear, this ‘new normal’ has a whole set of challenges.

But the very best thing about my run is seeing the dawn. I run to the sea at the end of our road, and the beach faces directly east. The sun rising over the sea is a magical and mystical thing. It fills me with hope and happiness and sets the tone for the day.

Obviously there are windy and wet days during quarantine too … and some days are sleepy days when I don’t run either, but the days that I do are enough for now.

How do you choose to brave the dawn these days?